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LLC Bldg. #3

Physical Address:
901 Paradise Creek St.
LLC Bldg. #3
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1252
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1252

Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday

Phone: 208-885-7989

Fax: 208-885-9494


Military and Veterans Services Office

Jason M. Nierman, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), USA

Physical Address:
Bruce Pitman Center, SEM Suite, 139

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4259
Moscow, Idaho 83844-4259

Phone: 208-885-7979/6229

Fax: 208-885-9494



Not Your Regular Cup of Joe

Black Rifle Coffee Company Gives Back to U of I
Veterans Through Operation Education Fund

他在军事生涯的大部分时间里随身携带的黑色枪支启发了前365滚球官网学生埃文·哈弗(Evan Hafer)咖啡品牌的名字. 战友们的牺牲激发了他最近向伊利诺伊大学退伍军人项目捐赠的灵感.

The two are indelibly linked.

Hafer, 在威普和刘易斯顿长大并在伊利诺伊大学学习政治学的人, spent 20 years in the Army, mostly as a green beret.

During slow times on duty, 通常他的背上用吊带吊着一支黑色步枪, he perfected his hobby of roasting coffee. 当Hafer离开军队时,他把他的芳香消遣变成了数百万美元 Black Rifle Coffee Company.

今年春天,Hafer和Black Rifle捐赠了5万美元给 Operation Education这是一项帮助退伍军人支付大学费用的大学奖学金项目.

这笔捐款将为大学退伍军人奖学金项目和他们所服务的人提供更强大的经济基础, said Jason Nierman, U of I’s director of Military and Veteran Services.

黑步枪咖啡公司首席执行官埃文·哈弗(Evan Hafer)的两张照片. Right: present day, Left: while on combat duty.

“这非常重要,因为它让我们可以预测我们能为老学生提供多少长期奖学金,” Nierman said.

After returning from combat overseas, 莫斯科警官杰森·豪斯(Jason House)利用一项行动教育奖学金获得了学士学位. 十多年前,豪斯在伊拉克被一枚路边炸弹炸伤,当时他在陆军服役.

While recovering in a Texas military hospital, House, who grew up in Deary, 我接到了一个来自伊利诺伊大学退伍军人招募人员的电话, inviting him to become a Vandal.

“从小到大,我从没想过我会上大学,”豪斯说. “我从未想过这是可以实现的,但有了《365滚球官网》,这绝对是可以实现的.”

除了帮助支付生活费用或资助学费, 运营教育项目帮助参与者找到导师和同伴网络.

“我在小组的午餐和聚会上遇到的人对我的教育生涯有很大的帮助,” House said. “We’re still friends to this day.”

校友和运营教育奖学金获得者Jennifer Tengono和Jason House在纪念体育馆的大厅里拿着咖啡杯
365滚球官网的毕业生和退伍军人Jennifer Tengono, a Moscow attorney, and Jason House, a Moscow police officer, 他们在伊利诺伊大学就读时利用了操作教育.

在詹妮弗·坦戈诺(Jennifer Tengono)攻读法律学位的过程中,来自Operation Education的经济帮助至关重要.

当她服役八年后离开军队时, Tengono在犹他州担任副警长期间获得了学士学位. 在担任法警的任务中,Tengono了解了365滚球官网的法律项目.

She moved to Moscow and, 作为一个单身母亲,醒着的大部分时间都在准备通过律师资格考试, 运营教育帮助她支付了昂贵的育儿费用.

Like many veterans, Tengono, now a Moscow-based attorney, 必须被鼓励去寻求操作教育提供的经济帮助.

她说:“很多退伍军人认为他们不配得到这份工作。. “To all the veterans: You are deserving.”

我们都知道,过去五年在拉马迪执行任务的新人第一次踏入企业界是什么感觉. Evan Hafer

For Hafer, 他的黑步枪咖啡公司主要由退伍军人经营, 捐赠给“教育行动”符合该公司支持退伍军人的使命, 执法人员和急救人员拿到每笔订单的收益.

“It can be hard for veterans to adapt, 我们希望给他们机会,帮助他们在他们有资格的地方取得成功, but may not have seen themselves,” Hafer said. “我们知道,在过去5年里一直在拉马迪执行任务的新人第一次踏入企业界是什么感觉.”

Hafer, who was part of the Army ROTC program during his time at U of I, 今年春天将获得大学的荣誉校友身份吗.

“埃文一直关注支持对他来说很重要的事业,” said Brad Martin, 军事和退伍军人服务发展主任, 曾任伊利诺伊大学克里斯曼营军事科学教授,退休中校. “我想不出还有谁比他更配得上365滚球官网荣誉校友的称号.”

因为运营教育是一项由捐赠者资助的奖学金, donations such as Hafer’s and Black Rifle Coffee’s, will have a real-world impact on a veteran’s life, Nierman said.

“从帮助支付书籍和费用到帮助支付医疗费用, 我们的捐助者对我们的退伍军人在完成学位时的经历有着深远的影响,”

Nierman said. “很高兴知道我们有这样的礼物来支持一位老兵直到毕业.”

Article by Ralph Bartholdt, University Communications and Marketing.

Evan Hafer照片提交并经许可使用.


Published May 2021.

Contact Us

LLC Bldg. #3

Physical Address:
901 Paradise Creek St.
LLC Bldg. #3
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1252
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1252

Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday

Phone: 208-885-7989

Fax: 208-885-9494


Military and Veterans Services Office

Jason M. Nierman, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), USA

Physical Address:
Bruce Pitman Center, SEM Suite, 139

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4259
Moscow, Idaho 83844-4259

Phone: 208-885-7979/6229

Fax: 208-885-9494

