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为教师: Involving Students in 研究

  • Clearly define expectations.
  • Clearly define milestones and metrics for success.
  • Nurture the student researcher toward increased independence: At the front end of a project, a significant amount of guidance from you is expected. But as the project progresses, the student should be encouraged to begin to take ownership of the work and take an active role in guiding it themselves.
  • Build interpersonal respect and trust: Create an open environment for questions and conversation. Set aside weekly meeting times. Provide direct and timely feedback. Communicate that the student’s work is a priority for you.
  • Promote shared power: Offer responses that remind the student that the work is their own. Reinforce that the student is a valued member of a research group or team.

The Office of Undergraduate 研究 (OUR) is soliciting proposals from U of I faculty in any discipline for OUR Curricular Development Grants. These are faculty awards for up to $5000 in project expenses of which $2500 may be applied toward a faculty stipend. 

The intent of the OUR Curricular Development Grant is to support faculty members who propose to integrate original research efforts into an undergraduate course, with a goal of at least half the course being devoted to students conducting research and presenting research conclusions.

For more information, please contact the Office of Undergraduate 研究 at

OUR Curriculum Development Grant Guidelines (PDF)

OUR Curriculum Development Grant Cover Sheet (PDF)


University of Idaho is an institutional member of the Council on Undergraduate 研究 (CUR). CUR supports and promotes high caliber undergraduate research. CUR and its affiliated colleges, universities and individuals focus on providing students with research opportunities. CUR believes that faculty members enhance their teaching and contribution to society by remaining active in research and by involving undergraduates in research. CUR provides support for faculty development, publishing a journal (CUR Quarterly), books and a “How-to” series.



The Graduate 研究 Consultant Program-Embedding Undergraduate 研究 Across the Curriculum (PDF) 作者:Patricia J. 玛莎·普克拉. Arnold, Aijun Anna Li, and Donna M. 比克福德. Council on Undergraduate 研究 Quarterly 33: 28-33 (2013).

How to engage in collaborative curriculum design to foster undergraduate inquiry and research in all disciplines (PDF) 作者:Patricia J. Pukkila, Janic DeCosmo, Danielle C. 斯维克和马思. Arnold in “How to Design, Implement and Sustain a 研究-Supportive Undergraduate Curriculum,” ed. K. Karukstis和T. Elgren, Council on Undergraduate 研究, pp. 147-163 (2007).


Five Steps to Using Inquiry-based Approaches in Teaching (PDF) 作者:Patricia J. Pukkila. American Society for Cell Biology 新闻letter 31 (10): 27-28 (2008).


Affirming the Independent 研究er Model: Undergraduate 研究 in the 人文学科 (PDF) Laurie Grobman著. CUR Quarterly 28(1): 23-28 (2007).